Saturday,16 May
Arrival of delegations. Hotel check inn.
19.00 Reception at the school
19.30 Gathering during informal dinner
22.30 End of the evening, departure to hotels
Sunday,17 May
10.00 Visit to Gassan diamonds
11.30 Boattrip through the Amsterdam canals..
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshops: Delft casting method, Anodising, Laserwelding,
18.30 Surinam dinner
20.00 Amsterdam by foot - exploration of Amsterdam by night
Monday,18 May
09.00 Official opening of sixth meeting of the P.L.E. Introduction
of new delegations.
10.30 Coffeebreak
11.00 Lecture by Mr. Deau of the assay office on assaying in
12.00 Tour through the school
13.30 Lunchbreak
14.30 Work by the technical committee and Presse Lyceen; workshops
for the students.
19.00 Dinner in musical ambiance and the nomination of the winners of
the Leonardo da Vinci Contest
Tuesday,19 May
08.30 Jury evaluation of Leonardo da Vincini contest.
09.30 Opening of the Exhibition (open to the public from Tu. 19/5
11.30 hrs till Wed 20/5 17.00 furs)
11.00 Gathering of committees in combination with workshops for
13.30 Cultural and artistic discovery of the Netherlands. Visit of
our sister school in Schoonhoven.
19.30 Dinner in the country.
Wednesdav. 20 Mav
09.00 Lecture by Paul Derrez. Visit to the Rijksmuseum
14.00 Multimedia Presentation (English/French) by Mr. Wolfgang Kuehn (Canadian Institute of
Gemmology): Treatments of Emeralds and Diamonds
15.00 Presentation electronic dictionary (Le Arti Orafe Vincenza
16.00 Teabreak
16.30 - 18.30 Meeting with all the participants (conclusions,
proposals, press release)
20.00 Farewell party
Thursday, 21 May
Departure of delegations.