Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We had many visitors to our booth during the Vancouver Gem & Mineral Show last week-end; I am now preparing for a trip to Europe and Sri Lanka. Please note that there are limited Office Hours from August 23 – September 19.
If you are interested in participating in an advanced spectroscopy workshop (“Raman and PL Spectroscopy in Gem & Mineral Identification” with hands-on exercises) on September 7 – a few days after FACETS Sri Lanka, Colombo (September 1 – 4) – contact Gamini Zoysa at for further information.
Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday season.
Wolf Kuehn
A new educational CD about spectroscopy
John Harris has published a Guide to the Spectroscope (PowerPoint presentation). It is a valuable educational tool for beginners as well as experienced spectroscopists. Instructors will love the format as the guide can easily be projected in a classroom situation or during a workshop. . |
Also have a look at his “Through my Spectroscope” column which now includes his own GL Gem Spectrometer.
New version of Spekwin32
Dr. Menges has published the final version of Spekwin 32 (1.72.2, June 15); it is a comprehensive software for editing and publishing spectra and allows direct import of GLGemSpec files (.fak) and GLGemRaman files (.rruff). He has started work on the all-new Spekwin32 successor to be released later this year.
Of particular interest is the Spectroscope View for owners of the GL Gem Spectrometer. Download the guide “Show Spectroscope View”
Also look at his universal software for DIY webcam spectrometers.
News from Gemlab R&T
Users of the new software version 3.00 of both the GL Gem Spectrometer and the GL Gem Raman PL535 2016/17 models should soon receive a small update.
The spectrometer software will have an “auto-y scale” icon (like in the Raman software by default) which keeps the spectrum visible at all times; this is possible to the new electronics built into the model 2016/17 spectrometers. As the spectrum is delivered in real-time adjustments to exposure, etc are seen immediately.
For the Raman software the search function will be unlocked and the provided data-bases can be accessed directly; user spectra can then then be easily added.
GL GemRaman PL532 TEC Demo (2015 model refurbished)
Meiji GEMZ-8TR microscope in almost new condition.
We also have 2 used Kyowa microscope setups (20x, 40x, made in Japan) and 2 used Kyowa refractometer units (made in Japan) for sale. For sale: 1 calcite dichroscope, 1 grating diffraction and 1 prism spectroscope with halogen light source and several other testing instruments. Please contact us if you are looking for a particular testing instrument.
Download current listing (PDF).
Fall 2016 Workshops
We have few spaces available at the following classes to be held at the Sandman Signature Hotel – Vancouver Airport, Richmond B.C.; please register on-line:
- GEM 150 Gem Identification, Vancouver, Nov. 12 – 15
- GEM 350 Advanced Spectroscopy Workshop, Vancouver, Nov. 11
- GEM 250 Advanced Gem Identification, Vancouver, Nov. 12 – 15
Foreign students must enter Canada on a visitor’s visa; copy of official Visa document must be presented 40 days prior (by October 1, 2016) to course commencement.
We recently joined the ISG Global Network; it is free and provides a vast resource base for anyone interested in gems and gemmology.