Dear Friends and Colleagues,
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after a sunny and pleasant week while exhibiting at the AGTA GemFair in Tucson, Arizona we are now preparing for the Vancouver Gem & Mineral Show next week. Please visit us at booth # 37 in the PNE Forum exhibit halls. There are numerous gems and minerals (study sets), various books and gem testing instruments for sale. Have your jewellery tested with our on-site GL Gem Raman PL 532 spectrometer (two items free). Renee Newman’s new “Gemstones Buying Guide” is also available. |
I am looking forward to meeting you,
Wolf Kuehn
Please note in your calendar the following dates:
- GEM 150 Gem Identification, Vancouver, May 10 – 12
- GEM 350 Advanced Spectroscopy Workshop, Vancouver, May 12
- GEM 250 Advanced Gem Identification, Vancouver, May 13 – 15
- Visit us at the Vancouver Gem Show, March 24 – 26
New Books
Diamonds in Nature: A Guide to Rough Diamonds
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Dr. Ralf Tappert participated at the last C.I.G. Diamond Grading workshop and donated a copy to our library. Diamonds in Nature: A Guide to Rough Diamonds illustrates the range of crystal shapes, colours, surface textures, and mineral inclusions of rough, uncut, naturally forming diamonds. Each chapter contains photographs that show the unique physical characteristics of the diamonds, and the accompanying text describes the processes that led to their formation. This book is an invaluable reference manual for professional geoscientists―including gemmologists and exploration geologists. |
Gemstone Buying Guide, Third Edition
From Gemlab Research & Technology
GL Gem Spectrometer 2017 model
Our BESTSELLER with over 300 users in 35 countries. With the new “Point & Shoot” GLGemSpec software (version 3.3) spectra can be saved and matched with the integrated spectral library of over 100 gem references. For diamond characterization we recommend the use of the GL Gem Spectrometer to detect any “Cape lines”. If not present inspect the diamond under a microscope with crossed polarizers; for instructions download article here (PDF). |
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For diamond PL studies we recommend the Nichia UV 365nm LED flashlight; it is the best true LW UV LED light with almost no visible light being emitted. |
The 2017 model of the GL Gem Spectrometer is now available.
Watch how a normalized absorption spectrum of green glass is obtained in 25 seconds (video, no sound).
The GL Gem Raman system is being used by jewellery appraisers, gem dealers, mineral collectors, researchers in geoscience applications in 22 countries. With the new GLGemRaman software (version 3.2) spectra can be saved and matched with the integrated spectral library of over 300 gem references or imported into a separate searchable database program with over 3,500 edited references; this database is linked to the large on-line mineralogical RRUFF database for Raman spectra. |
Download newest Gems & Gemology Winter 2016 issue (PDF). Interesting Lab Notes.
Save US$ 1,000: GL GemRaman PL532 TEC Demo unit in excellent condition.
Used Kyowa gemmological microscopes and refractometers; download current listing (PDF). These instruments are for sale during the Vancouver Gem Show.