Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
after the Tucson Gem shows we are now preparing for our spring activities. Please visit us at our booth during the Vancouver Gem & Mineral Show in March.
Please note in your calendar the following dates:
- Visit the Vancouver Gem Show, March 23 – 25
- Advanced Spectroscopy Workshop, Vancouver, May 11
- Advanced Gem Identification, Vancouver, May 12 – 14
Vancouver Gem Show, March 23 – 25
The exciting triannual Gem & Mineral Show coming to Vancouver following successful shows in Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria and Kelowna.
We will have a booth representing the Canadian Institute of Gemmology (C.I.G.) and Gemlab Research & Technology (Gemlab R&T). Books (NEW “Diamond Handbook” by Newman), used instrument sales, gem study collections and large gem and mineral liquidation sale, etc.
From Gemlab Books and Instruments
Diamond Handbook (3rd edition, 2018) by Renee Newman
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The 3rd edition of the Diamond Handbook (2018) updates jewelry professionals and serious diamond buyers on new developments in diamond grading, treatments, synthetic diamonds, imitations and fancy-color diamonds. Using close-up photos, it shows how to make visual judgments about clarity, transparency, brilliance and cut quality.
Basic and advanced methods of detecting diamond imitations, treatments and manmade diamonds are discussed and illustrated. Tables, charts, diagrams and more than 350 photos are included making this an excellent reference on natural, treated and CVD & HPHT diamonds. Highly recommended book order here. |
Used Equipment For Sale
Please contact us at if you are interested. Download current equipment list (PDF).
Kyowa Refractometer, used, quality instrument (made in Japan), LED filter illumination, polarizer, good condition, RI liquid, calibrated,new Can$ 600
SALE Can$ 195 SOLD |
From Gemlab Research & Technology
GL Gem Spectrometer 2017/18 model
We have replaced the motherboard in the new GL Gem Spectrometer with a modern modular design and faster microprocessor. With the new GLGemSpec software (version 3.3) spectra can be saved and matched with the integrated fast search spectral library. 250 gem references cover Gemstones, Diamonds (incl. treatments) and PL405 spectra. There are now 300 GLGemSpec users in 35 countries around the world.
SAVE US$ 1,000 and order DEMO GL Gem Raman PL535 TEC SOLD
This demo unit (2016/2017 model) has been used during trade shows and product demonstrations; the unit has been completely upgraded with new motherboard (version 3.x) and is in perfect working condition (regular warranty).
With the new GLGemRaman software (version 3.1) spectra can be saved and matched with the integrated spectral library of over 300 gem references or imported into a separate searchable database program with over 3,500 edited references; this database is linked to the large on-line mineralogical RRUFF database for Raman spectra.
There are already GL Gem Raman users in over 23 countries.
Gems & Gemology
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Please download the Winter-2017-Gems & Gemology issue and enjoy. Each issue is free and contains many articles of great value to gemmologists and users of the GL Gem Spectrometer and the GL Gem Raman systems. |