We have combined GEM 130 Diamonds and GEM 140 Jewellery, History and Design into a new comprehensive correspondence course.
Students will learn everything they need to know about diamonds. Definition, formation, extraction, and distribution of diamonds. The 4 Cs: carat weight, color, clarity and cut.
Sell more and answer customer questions with confidence. Introduction to diamond grading and jewellery fashion.
Course Content: 1. Diamonds. How they are created. 2. The Beauty of Diamonds 3. Weight and Colour of Diamonds. 4. Judging the Clarity of Diamonds. 5. Judging the Cut of Diamonds. 6. Diamond or Imitation? Gold, Platinum. 7. Choosing an Appropriate Style. 8. Choosing a Diamond Ring, Judging Craftmanship.
This course is a must for all jewellery collectors and enthusiasts. In ten lessons a survey of jewellery from the ancient world to the present day will be taken.
Using the text-books as a visual guide students explore the varied styles, techniques and materials used from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to modern times showcasing the development of Western jewellery.
Combined Fee: CAN$ 695 for home-study course with text: "Diamonds, Buying Guide" by Rene Newman, "Diamonds" by Fred Ward and “JEWELRY – From Antiquity to the Present” by Clare Phillips. Includes all study materials and DVD with “Gemmologist’s Guide to Diamonds”, “White Ice – Ekati Diamonds” and “Mystique of Diamonds”. BONUS: 10x triplet loupe
Course Type: Correspondence course. Certificates after completion of both courses and written GEM 130 Diamonds exam. No prerequisites.
Please note: Student must register even if tuition is paid by someone else. This course can only be shipped to a Canadian address.